King Kong Stories

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Godzilla vs. Kong had a bumpy road to release, first being scheduled for May 29, 2020, then being moved back to March 13, 2020, then November 20, 2020, and finally May 21, 2021. It was then rescheduled for March 26, 2021, before finally premiering in American cinemas on March 31, 2021. The film was also available to watch on HBO Max until April 30, 2021.

A follow-up sequel to the film is now under production.

Legends clash in "Godzilla vs. Kong" as two mythical rivals square off in a dramatic fight for the destiny of the Earth. Kong and his guards go on a risky trip in search of his rightful home, and they are accompanied by Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom he has developed an unbreakable and profound attachment. However, they find themselves unintentionally in the way of an infuriated Godzilla, who is wreaking havoc around the globe. The epic battle between the two titans, sparked by unknown powers, is merely the beginning of the mystery that lurks deep under the Earth's core.

When Jia comes to see Kong and offers him a toy, the Titan, knowing that he is stuck within the biodome, discovers this and quickly tosses a tree at it.

Meanwhile, Bernie Hayes, an employee of the Apex Cybernetics business and presenter of the Titan Truth Podcast, exfiltrates material indicating ominous activity at an Apex facility in Pensacola, but just as he finishes downloading the data, Godzilla appears and strikes unexpectedly. Bernie finds an odd piece of equipment like a huge robotic eye amid the facility's debris during Godzilla's assault.

Following the attack, the general public was taken aback by Godzilla's abilities to defend humanity, and they turned against him. Madison Russell, an adult listener to Bernie's podcast, is terrified about the newest Godzilla attack on her school, which took place last week. Her efforts to argue with her widowed father Mark (who also serves as Monarch's director) concerning the origins of Godzilla's rampage are met with dismissive silence, with Mark just stating that creatures may change in the same way as people can. Madison enlists the assistance of her best friend, Josh Valentine, in order to unravel the secrets surrounding Apex and the guy responsible for Godzilla's rampage.

Apex founder and CEO Walter Simmons teams up with former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist Nathan Lind as they search for a powerful energy source. As Nathan's brother tried to investigate the Hollow Earth, he was murdered by a tremendous anti-gravity field inside the tube. Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, which are modified ships that can endure the gravity field's pressure, according to Walter.

In order to go to the energy source, Nathan advises using Kong as a guide since Skull Island can no longer contain him (because Kong has grown too large). In the end, Nathan is able to convince Ilene to help stop Godzilla's rampage and find a new home for Kong.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex crew lead by Walter's daughter Maia board a customized barge with Kong bound to prevent him from escaping. Kong grows restless and upset one rainy night, and begins to tug on the shackles that bind him, but Jia calms him down by allowing her and Kong to touch fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The following day, Ilene tells Nathan about how she raised Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms killed most of the Iwi and their parents. Jia was the sole survivor since Kong was the one who protected her, which led to the two creating a relationship.

At this point, Jia senses Godzilla's presence by feeling vibrations through the ship as the Titan arrives and attacks the military before capsizing the barge, nearly drowning Kong as well as the others inside. Fortunately, Nathan manages to free Kong by unlocking his chains, allowing him to battle Godzilla underwater long enough for him to swim to the surface and flip the barge back on its head, saving the group from drowning. Kong leaps onto a nearby aircraft carrier to face Godzilla, who climbs aboard to face Kong. The two Titans exchange violent blows before fighter jets distract Godzilla enough for Kong to push him back into the ocean. Godzilla fires his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong manages to leap off to evade the blast, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and drags him into the depths of the ocean intending to drown the Titan.

When Nathan and Ilene realize that Kong will not be able to survive in the cold and that they will not be able to return him to Skull Island, Nathan inquires as to whether Kong will go through the tunnel if he believes there are others like him down there. Ilene responds by telling Jia to inquire as to whether Kong's family may be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and agrees to help them with their investigation. They arrive to Apex headquarters to find that the "eye" Bernie described earlier has disappeared. The group sealed and transported Skullcrawler eggs by mistake while carrying them to Hong Kong through an underground tunnel.

There, the three disembark and find themselves inside a huge dark chamber, but stumble upon Apex's ultimate weapon "Mechagodzilla", a mechanized counterpart of Godzilla being controlled by the late Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son and Walter's chief technology officer Ren Serizawa. To test Mechagodzilla's might against the Titans as soon as the mecha is activated, Walter unleashes a large adult Skullcrawler codenamed "Number 10" into the chamber. The beast targets Madison, Josh and Bernie and is on the verge of attacking them when it is grabbed and restrained by Mechagodzilla, who cleaves the Skullcrawler in half using a powerful red energy beam, allowing Madison, Josh and Bernie to seek shelter in a small hatch. However, the test is cut short when the mecha powers down immediately afterwards due to limitations of the power supply.

The plan of Walter to defeat Mechagodzilla by using the energy of the Hollow Earth is then revealed. After seeing that Mechagodzilla is the actual culprit, Madison understands that Apex is using Godzilla as a pawn to replace him and all of the Titans so that humans may take their rightful position as the planet's dominant race. While searching for a way out, Madison and the others stumble upon a room where Ren is controlling Mechagodzilla via radio waves using the severed head of Ghidorah, which has been turned into a biological supercomputer and cockpit by Apex after Alan Jonah acquired it because it had previously been bitten off by Godzilla during his battle with Ghidorah five years earlier.

Godzilla can't fly, therefore it's a good thing. It is Kong who shatters the HEAV, killing Maia and her crew as they attempt to escape from the spaceship.

The Apex base is abuzz with excitement as Walter orders Ren to unleash Mechagodzilla against Godzilla. Though Ren advises him against utilizing the new Hollow Earth energy source without testing, Walter dismisses his pleas and coldly tells him to start the mecha. Bernie, Madison, and Josh are all brought to Walter by Apex security for entering the headquarters. Although Walter boldly claims he took full responsibility for allowing humans to fight back against Godzilla, Madison blames him of inciting Godzilla into war and triggering all this in the first place.

As Godzilla and Mechagodzilla duel, Josh and Bernie try to stop the renegade robot remotely, while Madison calls in Mark for help. Eventually, Godzilla takes the upper hand and scorches Mechagodzilla. Jia realizes that Kong's pulse is fading as Mechagodzilla continues to beat Godzilla as the three approach the unconscious Kong. Maia had previously said that the HEAVs were capable of powering Las Vegas for a week, so Nathan recalls that and sets the final HEAV to self-destruct, detonating the vessel and unleashing an enormous electrical charge that immediately revives Kong.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot proves to be stronger than their combined force and overpowers them. Kong reclaims his axe, which he had lost during his previous encounter with Godzilla, and strikes numerous blows on Mechagodzilla, but his weapon, having lost its charge, is worthless against the robot, which tries to mortally impale Kong with its tail drill. All seems to be lost for Kong and Godzilla until Bernie, understanding there is nothing he and the others can do, takes out a flask of booze and suggests they all have a drink. However, Josh pulls the flask from Bernie's grasp and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to halt and allowing Godzilla and Kong to regroup and retake the upper hand.

Later, Monarch established an observation post in the Hollow Earth. Ilene, Nathan, and Jia happen to spot Kong on his morning walk one day. Kong climbs atop a rock, banging his chest and embracing Jia as his new home and realm in his screaming proclamation of himself as King of the Hollow Earth.

In the words of the site's audience review summary, "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." Indeed, although many viewers enjoyed the film's monster brawling, others were let down by the film's "half-baked" human element. In the United States, the film had generated an estimated $48.5 million dollars in box office revenue by Sunday morning of its five-day weekend release period, helping to put a stop to the COVID-19 pandemic-fueled box office decline. WarnerMedia claimed in a statement that the film had the largest viewership of any series or movie aired on HBO Max since its launch, but did not disclose precise figures. The film also performed well in foreign markets, earning over $236 million in countries outside than the United States.

On April 17, 2021, it was announced that Godzilla vs. Kong had eclipsed the overall movie office receipts of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, despite the pandemic's continuing effect on the box office.

Godzilla and King Kong have not featured in a film together in 59 years, since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla.

This is Terry Rossio's debut Godzilla film, after his unproduced script for the 1994 feature.

Kyle Chandler reprises his role as King Kong in this sequel to Peter Jackson's 2005 adaptation, which he also acted in.

At 113 minutes, Godzilla vs. Kong is the MonsterVerse's shortest film.

Godzilla vs. Kong has the shortest running duration in the MonsterVerse, clocking in at 113 minutes.


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